Thursday, March 29, 2012

My weight loss story

Losing weight is NOT easy!

Nor should it be. When you actually work for something you want, you feel much better about yourself. There are no quick weight loss tricks, losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time could have adverse effects on your health.

To lose weight you need to learn PORTION CONTROL. You will also need to have a good workout to maximize your results. I personally love Brazil Butt Lift. Available at BeachBody. They have a lot of other great workouts besides BBL as well.

There are many great weight loss systems available. Since each person is different you just have to figure out what works best for you and go with it. Don't lose faith, you will get what you want, you just have to work for it and not give up.

Most people will start to lose that "drive" if they do not see immediate results. I know, I am one of them. I expect to see a change right away. That is just not probable. It takes time for your body to get used to your new routine. It won't happen over night, but when it does happen it will seem that way.
I've considered plastic surgery to aid me in my goals. But what satisfaction could I get from that? Not to mention what a chunk of money that would be!

Now I have recently found out I have a condition called diastasis recti. Which basically means after having children that my abdominal muscles did not go back into place as they were supposed to. Eeek! It's nothing major health wise, but it does make people ask me how far along I am in my pregnancy. I often like to shock them with random answers to entertain myself. But mostly, I simply say I am not pregnant, then they look embarrassed and walk away. A bit discouraging, but fixable. I have to have surgery to correct it, but in the mean time exercise and proper diet is best.